President's Cup matches

In the second week of January, an unusual event took place. We organised a ladies' and gentlemen's sports tournament in which, production workers faced off against those from the “office building”. The ladies' competition took the form of a floorball match for the first time. It was new for all the female participants, but after a quick acclimatisation, the match took on a fierce character. Emotions poured out on the court.

The men traditionally played football. Here there was no question of acclimatisation, from the first seconds the match was extremely fierce. No wonder, the men regularly play in nearby amateur football leagues and nobody was going to let up.

After a heroic battle, both matches were won by the office building teams, which will surely lead to even more excitement in the next edition of the President's Cup matches. We are already looking forward to it. Below is a short photo gallery of the event.







