Ball tongue / Ball-anded eye links (with arcing horn attachment)
APPLICATION: these ball tongues/links are udes to connect insulators with fittings elements. An assembly of an arcing horn is possible.
Socket tongues
APPLICATION: suspension insulators with fittings elements in insulator strings; an assembly of a arcing horn on the link is possible.
Double eyes
APPLICATION: this link is used for the connection of various fittings elements with shackles.
Double eyes, twisted
APPLICATION: these double eyes are used.
Yokes for triple insulator strings
APPLICATION: these yokes are used to connect insulators and fittings in tension triple insulator strings.
Extension link clevis (with scrwe bolt)
APPLICATION: these links are used for installation and for the lenght adjusment of insulator strings.
Adjustable extension links
APPLICATION: these links are used for the lenght adjusting of insulator strings on tension towers and adjusting the subconductors of conductor bundles on tension strings.
Shackles with screw bolt or river pin
APPLICATION: these shackles are used to connect fittings elements on insulator strings.
APPLICATION: these hangers are used to fasten insulator strings to a towr structure.
Full offer you coudl find in Chapter 2 - links, hangers.