
In this group of products we offer:

Oscillating suspension clamps (with double straps)


APPLICATION: these clamps are used for through susspension of conductors on suspension insulator strings.  

Release oscillating suspension clamps


APPLICATION: these clamps are used for through suspension of conductors on suspension insulator strings. The clamps make possible release of the clamp together with a conductor in case of live conductor failure. 

Oscillating suspension clamps (with bow) 


APPLICATION: these clamps are used for through suspension of conductors on suspension insulator strings (the lower bow of clamps serves for suspension of a counterweights). 

Hanger of counterweight


APPLICATION: these hangers are used for to attach the counterweight on oscillating double bow suspension.  



APPLICATION: these hangers are used for attach on oscillating double bow suspension clamps.  

Through suspensions for big crossing


APPLICATION: this set of clamps is used for through suspension for big crossing. 

Oscillating earth wire clamps (with support) 


APPLICATION: these clamps are used for through suspension of earth wire on poles. 

Suspension or tension clamps


APPLICATION: These clamps are used to suspend a conductor on string insulators. At normal operating conditions the clamp works as a suspension clamp and after failure of the conductor one works as a tension clamp. A bare conductor shall be wrapped with aluminium tape of the 1 mm thickness. 
*) Because an insulation conductor does not require of wrapping with the tape, therefore its diameter can be 2 mm larger than a diameter of a bare conductor

Wedge-type tension clamps


APPLICATION: these wedge type tension clamps are used for tensioning of AAC, AAAC and ACSR.

Compression tension clamps


APPLICATION: these clamps are used for tensioning of ACSR and ACSRs.  

Compression joint for HTLS conductors


APPLICATION: these compression joint are used to connect each other two lengths termolign conductors (ACCC). 


U-bolt joints



APPLICATION: These U-bolt joints are used to close the loops on the bow tension clamps and to connect two conductors each other. If the connection is to carry greater load then it is indicated in the above table, more then an one piece of U-bolt joints shall be used an one connection. 


Bow clevis/roller tension clamps


APPLICATION: this clamp is used for tensioning of conductors on string insulator. 

Full offer you coudl find in Chapter 1 - Clamps, joints