Last week, at PLP POLAND (BELOS) S.A., we held another health and safety competition for an exemplary workplace. This was the 3rd edition of this competition, which is getting more and more attention from the staff every year. A huge thank you for this.
The competition was fierce, with all employees preparing their workplace very well to participate in the competition and demonstrating their health and safety knowledge. However, there are three places on the podium and so:
First place went to the crew of the needle guilding station, and second and third place went to the crews operating the Wemas station.
Many thanks and congratulations to all the participants, and special thanks to the winners for their commitment and excellent workstation preparation. We encourage you to take care of your workplace all year round, take care of health and safety at work and already invite you to take part in the next editions.
Below are some photos from the event.